About Geoff - The Collector

I started collecting logo balls initially then added different brand balls until I ended up with well over 100,000 golf balls and absolutely no storage space or ability to display them. At some point a few years ago I decided to specialise in certain categories and ceased collecting all and everything, however I still find myself putting away unusual or historic logos.

I’ve always been a collector or mild hoarder and golf ball collecting has given me a collecting focus, some would say obsession, but I think I’m more balanced than that. Walking and searching the scrub at my golf club and some others has kept me fit and very much in touch with nature, certainly some snakes over the years.

To be able to collect large numbers of anything you first and foremost must have a very understanding wife. My wife Judith has been very supportive and helpful, but with certain boundaries such as not displaying golf balls inside our house. She even has a small private logo ball collection of her own.

In restricting my collecting I still have a variety of categories but my main concentration is on Golf Club Logo balls. All balls listed in the Available Spare categories are available to swap or purchase.

You will note that some logos, regions or countries are listed as unknown. They remain a mystery, so if you can help solve that mystery or for that matter assist in correcting any errors in my listings which I’m sure will occur please do so via the contact page.
I have made many friends through building this collection over the years and being able to display my collections will allow them the pride in seeing what their assistance has produced.

Geoff Wallace

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There have been so many friends and golfing associates that have contributed to building my collection. There are too many to name and if I attempted to do so I would invariably leave someone out, they know who they are and how much I have appreciated their support. By sheer volume of contribution I do have to name a few and they are Geoff, Bruce, David, Sue, Heather and Troy at Golf Balls Plus Thomastown, Greg Proctor the fisherman from Hastings , Toli Sirych, Paul Abell, “The Captain”Colin Mayes, Jimmy Climpson, Dunny, Ray Byron, Mick Pinjuh, “The Judge”Eric Black, Jim Muller, Don Ashton, Rod Threlfall, Pieter Egberts, Carl Brown from Devonport for his Tasmanian contribution and my neighbour Robbo for his outback Australia club logos. My wife Judith for her tolerance and never ending assistance and support.

Dana Lunn for Web Site. Her brilliance in setting up and adapting the web site to my never ending changes

Jim and Jacques for their critique

In researching mystery logos I have many options via the internet but my main points of contact are:

  1. Jim Housholder’s website being logoballcentral.com , this website is maintained by Jim and contributed to by an email group of collectors whose names and contacts are listed below.

  2. A printout book of the late Ted Hoz’s collection.

  3. A printed listing of Roger Kleinschmidt’s collection.

    If this research fails then I list with logoballcentral in the mystery logo section for all my email colleagues to view and assist.
    Other worthwhile avenues are expertgolf.com, http://ballesdegolffaveclogo.com/modele06ballesregionparisiledefrancens.html -(France exhaustive Golf Club Logos), https://www.logoball.ca/(Quebec exhaustive Golf Club Logos) and golf ball collectors group on Facebook.

  4. Collector links are:

    Jim Housholder NC and CT USA - logoballcentral@gmail.com

    Jacques A Dufour QC Canada - Dufjaca@yahoo.fr

    Jean Pierre Spinelli QC Canada - Jpspinelli@icloud.com

    Roger Kleinschmidt FL USA - Golforefun@gmail.com

    Jim Osen - Jimosen@msn.com

    John Lienart CA USA - Jlienart@msn.com

    Come Le Cour France - Comelecour@yahoo.fr

    Jack Knoblauch WI USA - Jaknoblauch@yahoo.com

    Russ Aney Alb. Canada - sharonaney@gmail.com

    George Kass MI USA - forammo@aol.com

    Mark Nairus - mnairus@aol.com

    Don Krall - Dmkralls@gmail.com

    Ron Lyons Alb. Canada - Antiquegolf@shaw.ca

Norman Leary NS Canada (Golf score cards only) - learys@eastlink.ca